Sunday, April 25, 2010

A long time coming..

Well I have not posted in a long, long time. I am very sorry about that, but mainly the big thing that has gone on in life is that things here at Ridgecrest are cranking up.. and I am so busy, but loving it. My last 2 weekends have been crazy.. last weekend I went back to the homeland of Starkville, MS. It was glorious, but it put me a little behind at work. I do feel though that the mental and emotional benefits from it, were worth being put a little behind in the work part of everything... I had an amazing time with amazing friends who mean the world to me, but it was weird to be back at a place I love so much and used to feel so comfortable, to feel out of place. After graduating, alumni status makes things very weird, haha. Anyway, things are really starting up here and I am loving that. Camp has turned green, it feels warmer like camp, even smells like camp. We had a work weekend this weekend where some old staff and even some campers showed up to do some work and help out around camp. I am so grateful of all the help to keep myself and other people from doing some of those jobs later. I love a camp where we have tradition and alumni that come back and work so hard just to help because they love it here. Anyway, that is where I am in life right now. I will post some better stuff later in the week I hope. I do ask for prayer in my future guys, I am genuinely happy in where I am in life right now. I love my job, where I live, and the friends and family I have at home. But sadly 2 of those 3 are not likely to last past August, and I dont know what does wait for me, so I ask for prayer in that.

Grace and Peace,

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The Final Countdown

As of right now I have 5 countdowns on my desktop on my computer..
-- one for when Andrew (my best friend) and my counterpart at camp gets here (31 days)
-- one for when the Admin get to camp for training (45 days)
-- one for the start of staff week (52 days)
-- one for opening day (60 days)
-- one that is about to run out.. the one for when my plane lands at GTR for my weekend @ State

22 hours 50 minutes

I am ridiculously excited about going back to State this weekend, my plane lands at 5pm central time at GTR, so ETA to Starkville will be at 5:30pm.. I am so ready to see EVERYONE.. I am going to go to the State Fountain Bakery for most of the day on Thursday and sit outside and do nothing but read and hopefully have great conversations, so please if you would like to talk, this want you to come by and see me!

I will be in Starkville until I fly out at 2:35 on Sunday, so I will leave Starkville around 1pm central... I hope to see as many people as possible and have as much fun as possible!

CAN NOT WAIT, but before I leave, tonight, I have to: do laundry, pack, play BMDL dodgeball, and have dinner with some great friends.. I am busy but so excited for the good ole MSU and Super Bulldog Weekend!!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

A "moment"...

I used to tell people I had "Mississippi State Moments" all the time in college. It is actually a common happening on campus, where you just realize you were right in a place and in a moment where all the circumstances are pretty much perfect. Like sitting at Dudy Noble on a Sunday afternoon and it is 77 degrees with shorts and a long sleeve shirt and chacos watching the Dawgs with a slight breeze with great friends and sunflower seeds. Or walking across campus on the perfect Spring afternoon and it happens to be 12:15 and you are done with class for the day and the chapel bells begin playing a song... those are moments...

Well the reason I just went on that nostalgic journey is because I just had a weird moment here.. I have them all the time here at camp as well, but I just had a moment where I realized all the circumstances in my life are just set up to the way I need them right now. I came across this by Facebook stalking my boss and his family when going to tell him Happy Birthday, he turns 30 tomorrow.. His family is great, Black Mountain is great, My job is great, God is great... my life is pretty much great right now. I really should be in a state of panic right now with life and having really no clear direction in where my "career" lies, but as of today and right now, I am ok with my life, the people I am surrounded by and became extremely sad that it cannot stay just like this forever.. and by the way it is also a perfect circumstance that I am flying into Starkville in pretty much 5 days.. so i am able to not be so sad about not being there, which amplifies my serenity in life right now..

Life is good. God is good. Hail State.


Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Lake Ridgecrest to the Rescue!

So i took a blog break for a while.. and it was needed.. life is going very uniquely for lack of a better word here lately.. having some hard times as well as some great ones. My eyes have been opened to alot here lately of how I function as a person and how to be aware of others. I have also really received some self affirmation here lately, that I am a loving/caring/thoughtful person, and I have thought that as a weakness some here lately, but I was given those gifts from my Creator to use in relationships I create everyday. And that is what we are called to do, love, build relationships, and share friendships, with as many people as possible. That is a strength of mine.

Anyway.. yesterday we had some forest fires in the area and I was going to post a video of the rescue helicopters coming down to dip water out of our lake here at Ridgecrest to deliver to the fire.. it was freaking sweet..

ignore the commentary, i was excited.. haha